
Connect to the world through Skype

Page history last edited by Tony Vincent 15 years, 2 months ago

The free communication software Skype or iChat (already installed on Macs) is a great way to reach out to others from around the globe. Skype allows text, audio, and video chatting and runs on Macintosh and Windows. Skype's most popular feature is the ability to make free "telephone" calls to any other computer in the world running Skype software. This means no phone bill or long distance charges to talk to your city's mayor or a student in Japan. Teachers around the world are using Skype to connect their students with other students and adults:


  • Neil Stephenson's middle school students in Calgary, Alberta used Skype to talk with a curator at the National Museum. The curator gave students feedback and asked questions about their humanities projects.
  • Australian teacher Anne Mirtschin's students connect via video with Korean and Russian students.
  • Brian Crosby's fifth graders in Nevada use Skype to bring a classmate with leukemia back into their classroom.
  • Fridley High School students in Minnesota Skype with students in Spain. They spoke in English and Spanish about sports, movies, politics, university plans, and more.


Teachers might want to read The Guide for Using Skype in the Classroom and A Skype from the Classroom Wiki. Those looking for partners to collaborate with, check out ePals and the Skype in Schools wiki.



Comments (4)

Linda Schafer said

at 11:49 am on Jun 17, 2009

I love this program it really has allowed my rural school students to connect to the outside world.

Tongay Epp said

at 12:21 pm on Jun 17, 2009

I am in Columbus, Nebraska. Is there anyone interested in connecting in some subject area at the elementary level using Skype?
Please contact me at tongay.epp@cps-ne.org

Molly Aschoff said

at 12:44 pm on Jun 17, 2009

I am in Valentine, NE. I love using skype I would love to connect to other 5th grade classrooms. I teach Social Studies and Language Arts. You can contact me at maschoff@esu17.org

SenoritaKoch said

at 6:05 pm on Jun 17, 2009

I think this would be a great tool for my foreign language classroom!

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