It's certainly a challenge to engage today's students. Learning theory shows that one of the keys to successful learning is engagement. Using Philip Schlechty's "Qualities the Affect Engagement" as a framework, Tony Vincent outlines 21 technology tools, strategies, and tips educators can use to increase authentic engagement. Learn ways to motivate learners using online tools that are freely available. Examples include polling students, illustrating concepts with crazy cartoons, creating jazzy slide shows, and touring some of the newest coolest sites the web has to offer.
- Bring YouTube into the classroom
- Contribute virtual sticky notes
- Use wikis
- Collect data using a shared spreadsheet
- Bookmark, organize, and annotate webpages
- Engage students with the coolest sites the web has to offer
- Collaborate on a document
- Connect to the world through Skype
- Host game shows
- Create online quizzes
- Record podcasts
- Make comic strips
- Co-create rubrics
- Design an online poster
- Create zooming presentations
- Assign roving reporters
- Have Pecha Kucha presentations
- Have fun with images
- Create talking cartoons
- Create hip slide shows
- Give choice of end products
List from Homer and Winside, October 2009
Previous List from Summer 2009
Tony Vincent's sites: Learning in Hand, Arizona K-12 Center Blog, Twitter, and Email
Comments (1)
Kati Searcy said
at 9:06 am on Nov 6, 2009
Thanks for sharing this great resource !!!
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